Adoption Form Adoption Form Name(Required) First Name Last Name Residential Address(Required)Postcode(Required)Email Address(Required) Contact Number(Required)Are you 18 years of age or older?(Required) Yes No Dog you are applying for (or breeds, age range & gender you are interested in)(Required)People living where the dog will be (Number, any kids, ages etc)(Required)Description of the home/yard area, including size, fencing type, shelter, any hazards e.g pools etc(Required)Where will the dog sleep and/or be safely secured when no one is home?(Required)Are you renting(Required) Yes No (If Yes) Do you have permission from your landlord? (please note you may be asked to provide evidence of this)(Required)Describe your experience with/understanding of working breed dogs, and why you want to adopt one?(Required)Please detail the day to day routine the new dog would have with you (including training, exercise and mental stimulation etc.)(Required)How many hours a day will the dog be home alone and over how many days per week?(Required)Do you have other animals?(Required) Yes No If Yes, please detail animal, breed, age, gender, desexed etc(Required)Are they up-to-date on vaccinations?Are you applying to adopt a dog 2 years or younger? *(Required) Yes No If Yes, please describe your proposed plans to ensure the puppy/young dog remains well socialised, is not lonely, bored to potentially develop bad behaviors alone:(Required)Any other information you feel may be relevant and helpful to add for the application process?Do you wish to attach yard photos to your application? (These will be required in the approval process however attaching them now may expedite approval to adopt). Maximum file size of 5mb per photo.The yard spaceMax. file size: 5 MB.FencingMax. file size: 5 MB.Access gatesMax. file size: 5 MB.Shelter outsiteMax. file size: 5 MB.Where the dog will sleep/be secured when unsupervisedMax. file size: 5 MB.What is 5 + 5 = ?(Required)CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.